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WIN Programs

WIN Leadership Program

Our Leadership Program consists of WIN Leaders, Hosts, & Mentors to assist our Mission in volunteering their time to csonduct WIN Workshops, WIN Conversations & Mentorship to other Community Members & Mentees! To become a WIN Leader, Host, or Mentor, schedule a WIN CHAT!

LEARN MORE about the WIN Leadership Program

WIN Mentorship Program

Our WIN Mentorship Program is designed to bridge the gap between Women in generations who need support learning and growing using Networking & Collaborations in Business. Each quarter we welcome new candidates to our WINternship program to work with our WIN Mentors for a 3 month period for weekly meetings and assignments that fit their Education, Career, and Business goals. CLICK HERE to Sign up as a WIN Mentee!

WIN Ambassador Program

Our WIN Ambassador Program is for WIN Members who want to assist our WIN Leaders or brainstorming, organizing, and planning online and local city-wide WIN events. Their main duty is to make sure our Leaders are supported and may fill in their absence from time to time. To get more information on how to sign up as a WIN Ambassador, CLICK HERE.

WIN Volunteer Program

Join our WIN Volunteer program andn become an asset to Women around the world! All WIN Volunteers must show their alignment with the WIN Mission, sign a one year contract, and be accessible to in the field, and for remote work online, working with WIN staff Members and Shareholders, assisting with Fundraising campaigns and opportunity to guide WIN into a prosperous year. All Volunteers must follow volunteer guideline and commit to being available as a resource to the WIN Community Members.

CLICK HERE to sign up as a WIN Volunteer. CLICK HERE for More Information, email us at

Let’s Work Together

Want to Partner with WIN? Get in touch so we can start working together.

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