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Virtual Ambassador Needed to Join WIN Team!

At Women Into Networking (WIN), we believe in supporting and empowering women within our communities.

One of the ways we do this is through our leader and ambassador programs. They are women who take charge of their WIN chapter to foster connections, mentor others, and build community.

Now, WIN Virtual Ambassadors work with their WIN Virtual Leader to organize virtual events, attend regular meetings with the WIN community, and provide a pivotal support role.

If you are interested in getting involved with WIN, the ambassador program is a great starting point! The responsibilities include...

🖤Assisting the WIN Virtual Leader with Planning, Promoting, and Co-Hosting

Monthly Networking Events

🖤Attending Monthly WIN Meetings

🖤Promoting the WIN Mission &


🖤Participate in other WIN Virtual Activities (ex. Moderating Clubhouse rooms)

If you’re ready to apply, then click here to become a WIN Virtual Ambassador!

1 Comment

Unknown member
Nov 10, 2024

I think I'll be interested for the upcoming year.😊

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