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Unlocking Fresh Skills as an Intern at W.I.N

Hello everyone! I’m Choinam Zheng, and I am thrilled to embark on a transformative journey with you as a marketing intern at W.I.N. Throughout this marketing adventure, I aim to unlock new skills and continue building a robust marketing portfolio for the future.

New Intern - Choinam
Image of Choinam

Life is a complex game composed of journeys filled with challenges, opportunities, and unexpected turns. In this grand adventure, I encounter multiple marketing journeys and acquire skills as treasuries that hold the key to mastering the game. 

Business soft skills - Academic Journey 

As a senior majoring in Consumer Science and Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, my academic journey has been dedicated to learning and enhancing the global customer experience by analyzing trends and behaviors to boost sales for companies. Studying Economics has also provided insights into how individuals, businesses, and governments respond to their economic surroundings. Although not directly related to marketing, these majors have equipped me with skills in sales, customer service, quantitative analysis, and global awareness. 

Data Analytics skills - Internship Journey 

During my summer internship with the e-commerce department of an electronics company, I engaged in crafting scripts for video advertisements, implemented strategic decisions based on online sales data, and conducted thorough market research across multiple European e-commerce websites. This experience unlocked numerous treasury boxes for me, refining my skills to analyze data and generate unique ideas. 

Unlocking Fresh skills - W.I.N Journey 

Now, with W.I.N Journey, I aspire to unlock even more fresh skills and open doors to unforeseen possibilities. As a social media marketing intern, my focus is to learn the intricacies of managing different platforms based on their unique functions and target audiences. I’m eager to understand and interpret various data metrics for performance assessment. Crafting engaging and shareable content is another goal, as I believe content is the cornerstone of audience interaction, inspiring creativity in storytelling and visually appealing posts. Lastly, I look forward to participating in setting up and managing social media advertising campaigns. 

Despite the unknown journey ahead, I’m excited to unlock fresh skills and relish the triumphs that accompany unveiling the diverse levels of this extraordinary adventure. 



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