Internships are an important part of the learning, growing, and maturing process. They bridge the gap between education and career. You might think you want to skip this process and go straight to a job, but you will miss out on important lessons and skills an internship can give you.
Time Management
Interpersonal skills
#1: Communication
There is a huge difference between communicating with your friends and even professors and communicating in a professional environment. It can be a learning curve for some people. When taking that step towards your career, it is vital you know how to communicate in a professional environment. The good thing about an internship is that they know you are new and young. You are not expected to know everything right away. This allows you to observe, learn, and then practice your communication skills.

#2: Time Management
Managing your time is a major skill you should have, and it can be a struggle for some people. The good thing about an internship is that, in most circumstances, you are working while still in school. This gives you the chance to learn how to manage your time correctly. Between classes and an internship, it will be vital you manage time in a way that works for you. You will be able to test different time management strategies, to ensure when you move on from internship to career you know what works.

#3: Interpersonal Skills
An internship can give you the chance to see how a company works. There is hardly ever one person doing everything. You need to work as a team, collaborate, and resolve conflicts. You will have to know how to give your ideas, listen to others, and work together.

#4: Networking
Internships will allow you to connect with people in your area of interest. These relationships can be valuable when moving into your career. They could give recommendations, advice, and feedback that will help you. These people will have experience for you to learn from. They can also serve as potential recommendations for job applications.

#5: Improving Resumes
The most important thing you can have on your resume is experience. Employers are going to pay attention to what experience you have. The more experience you have the more you will stand out from your competition. Internships are a great way to add experience in a related field.

#6: Interests
Internships are a great way to determine whether a career path is right for you or not. If you are unsure whether a career is correct for you an internship is perfect for you. It allows you to try a job without committing to it. An internship typically lasts a few months. During this time you will learn whether you are interested in that path or not. If you are, great! You now have experience and connections in that field. If not, then you learned it is not for you, and you did not take a job path you do not like

#7: Confidence
Lastly, internships give you confidence in the workplace and yourself. As a student, it can be extremely intimidating to go straight into the workplace. People tend to feel imposter syndrome, feel like they do not know enough, and just have low confidence. An internship can help you feel more comfortable when it is time to move to the next step. Naturally, the more experience you have, the more confident you will feel.

Internships are a great opportunity. They help ease you into the workplace without throwing you straight in the deep end. They can give you important skills, and allow you to learn about professional work and careers.