WIN Community Round Table Talks are back on LinkedIn! Table Talks meet the first Tuesday of every month at 11am EST.
The purpose of these table talk discussions is to build connections and network with other WIN members. It is important for these virtual discussion along with in person meetups in order to grow and gain these personable connections especially as WIN is expanding in twelve different cities and even in the UK.

The Round Table Talks will be led by various speakers including last weeks which was done by Allegra Jackson. On Allegra’s table talk, she was able to provide potential new members with all things WIN as it is important for new members to know the purpose of the WIN Community. She was able to inform the viewers of upcoming events and meetups in various cities.
Allegra also created a banner at the bottom of the screen to emphasize the main objectives of these discussions which is community, collaboration and connect. The banner also includes the sponsor of the video which is Allegra's business AJCEO Business Coaching Group.
Want to know more about Round Table Talks or missed last weeks? Previous Round Table Talks can still be found at the Women into Networking LinkedIn page for all to see.
Want to learn more about the WIN community? Check out the Women into Networking website.
Also join the WIN Facebook group to have the opportunity to connect with fellow WIN members.
Katelyn Davanzo
University of Delaware
