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Featuring the WIN Leadership Team

Hello WIN community,

We wanted to take a moment to introduce you to your leadership team! We have Allegra Jackson the WIN Founder, Aarionna Hamilton the WIN Co-Founder, Sarah Curcio the Programs Manager/NJ Leader, Teecee Okore the Virtual Leader, and Alley Corrao the NJ Ambassador. Now, let’s learn a little bit more about everyone’s background…

First up we have Allegra Jackson who was born and raised in the heart of New Jersey, and has always been an ambitious achiever with strong goals and aspirations. From a young age, Allegra demonstrated an entrepreneurial spirit and a keen eye for business opportunities. Her journey in the business world began in 2007 when she started her first venture and successfully scaled it to six figures with a team of eight highly motivated individuals.

Allegra's entrepreneurial drive didn't stop there. She continued to launch other successful ventures, including an IT installation and solutions company, showcasing her versatility and expertise in different business domains. Her current focus is on AJCEO Business Coaching Group, where she serves as the CEO and Business Development Coach.

With a strong background in Marketing and Management, Allegra has worked with Fortune 500 companies and large corporations as a consultant and liaison in Administration, Team Building, Business Planning, and Marketing since 2009. She studied Business Management at the University of Florida and holds several certifications in Data Analysis & Systems, Business Management, and Marketing. Her extensive education and professional experience have equipped her with the knowledge and skills to excel in the competitive business landscape.

At AJCEO Business Coaching Group, Allegra is dedicated to helping women entrepreneurs and Black business owners establish sustainable business models. She provides her clients with access to comprehensive business plans and marketing support, empowering them to achieve their goals and thrive in their respective industries.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Allegra is passionate about building networking communities and social platforms that support the health and longevity of women entrepreneurs and Black business owners. She understands the importance of community and collaboration in driving success and is committed to creating spaces where individuals can connect, share resources, and grow together. Because of her commitment to her cause, Allegra founded Women Into Networking WIN in 2021. Since inception, WIN has grown to multiple cities, bringing empowerment and safe spaces for Women & Men who support them all around the world.

In addition to her business pursuits, Allegra dedicates her free time to volunteering for charitable causes that involve urban development and improving infrastructure for education, health, social and political justice, and cultural heritage protection. Her commitment to giving back to the community reflects her belief in the power of collective effort and her desire to make a positive impact on the world.

Allegra Jackson, the Marketing Medulla, is not only a successful entrepreneur and business coach, but also a dedicated advocate for community building and social justice. Her journey is a testament to the power of ambition, resilience, and a strong commitment to helping others achieve their dreams

Next is Aarionna Hamilton is a mom of 4, a wife, and a minister. She began her journey after battling depression and suicidal thoughts for five years. During this time she suffered from lack of identity in who she was and what she wanted for her life. Through many nights of tears and prayer one day she had a true encounter with God, and realized that if she was still here she still had purpose.

From that day forward she began her journey of tapping into her true purpose and gaining clarity on what she was called to do and building the business that God placed on her heart. Aarionna is a powerful motivational speaker, mindset coach, clarity strategist, successful entrepreneur, and mentor.

She began Freedomridahs to provide coaching that helps aspiring and current entrepreneurs achieve authentic success in their business and life. This coaching is designed to help you create a strategic road map to success that ensures no matter what happens you can always get back on track!

Then, we have Sarah Curcio, who is a Jersey Shore gal, rescue pet parent, and an autoimmune warrior. She’s a #1 Best-Selling Author in a book collaboration with 20 other amazing women. She also has certificates in Digital Marketing and Human Resources Management.

Sarah has been CEO/Social Media Strategist of Sarah’s Social Strategy LLC for over seven years. She works with ambitious, driven, decisive, and goal-oriented entrepreneurs. Helping them to develop organic social media strategies that will spark engagement and insights, along with increasing visibility and credibility. Thus, leading to social networking opportunities such as guest blogging, podcast appearances, book collaborations, and much more.

In addition, she is part of the WIN executive team as the Programs Manager. She recruiting volunteers, ambassadors, interns, and mentors to help support the mission growth! Reach out to her, if you’re interested in joining!

Next in our line up is Teecee, who is a Systems Implementation Strategist, an award-nominee, seasoned entrepreneur of 9 years, Co-founder of Teecee Business Solutions Ltd and founder of The TBS Systems Academy, empowering small business owners and entrepreneurs to achieve their highest potential through strategic marketing, sales automation, and efficient business operations.

Her mission is to provide tailored solutions that simplify and automate business processes, enabling entrepreneurs to focus on growth and efficiency. At TBS, they address key challenges such as lead generation, sales and launch automation, operational efficiency, and monetization of skills and knowledge. By implementing effective CRM strategies and bespoke marketing campaigns, Teecee and her Team  help businesses streamline operations, maximize revenue, and create lasting legacies.

Now, Orinthia is pioneering technology and vision for entrepreneurial success! As a leader for WIN, in the Atlanta area, Orinthia contributes passionately to empowering women and fostering community.  

Beyond this role, she is the driving force behind MetaKonnects™, a tech systems firm that revolutionizes how businesses operate through comprehensive automation. At MetaKonnects™, Orinthia empowers entrepreneurs to systemize their operations, paving the way to significant financial success and newfound freedom. Her platform not only automates essential business processes but also, supports sustainable business growth.

She also leads SOAD Masters™ as an intuitive vision and systems business coach. Here, she helps businesses crystallize their visions and systemize these into effective, actionable strategies, ensuring their goals are not just visions but realities.

Orinthia’s dedication to technological innovation and genuine empowerment positions her as a distinguished figure in the tech and coaching arenas, encouraging both growth and transformation across industries.

Last but certainly not least, we have Alley who is a wife, mom of two, and a pet parent. As a mompreneur, she wants to help women combat the feeling of isolation that can come with mother and womanhood. She runs a weekly room on clubhouse to help spread this type of inspiration and motivation.

She’s a Beauty and Wellness Brand Representative with Neora. They offer holistic skincare, wellness, and haircare product line featuring exclusive patented and proprietary formulations. You can learn more by joining Alley’s Facebook group called, Living Better with Alley.

So, now that you have learned more about the leadership team, the question is… ‘who will you connect with first?’ Let us know because we’re here to support you. Just become an official WIN member today by clicking here!

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